Even since I was a child, I was interested in using maps in order to plan some trips with my classmates and friends. Time passed and I started to be more interested in mapping and maps. Due to this, I started to learn the history of maps and how maps can be developed. When I started to learn this, mapping was much more difficult than it is today. In that period, we could not speak about web mapping and geo web developing.
But the digital progress and the rapid developments that have been done into these domains can be seen today almost in every field, even in mapping. Due to this, I had to start learning again new domains, namely web mapping and geo web developing. Because I was, and I still am, passionate about maps and mapping, I tried hard to learn quickly the steps that can lead me to become a geo web developer.
The first steps were a little bit more complicated because I had to learn a lot of new things about Internet background and stuff like this, but after about three months I started to like this and the following steps were much easier for me. This is the brief story of my progress into the web mapping domain.
I’m always trying to be up to date and find out the latest developments in web mapping field. I am searching for the latest articles that are related with this domain and if I find something that seems interesting, I’m trying to implement these new ideas into my work. If you are looking to be a professional into geo web domain means that you have to stay close to the scientific domain. It is true that being up to date is time consuming and you have to choose the most relevant materials in order to avoid wasting your time. But when your hobby becomes your job, then you have to learn every day new things and try to implement them into your work. By doing this, you will be always a reliable partner for your clients. The clients that are dealing with the web mapping market are very demanding, but your incomes are also very good, if your work is at the highest standards.
I hope that my website is useful for beginners into the geo web design domain and you will find here some tips and advices that will lead you to a better understanding of this domain and better results in your work.
Even if you are just passionate about web mapping and you are not interested in becoming a pro, you can find on my website a lot of interesting facts that may help you to plan your trips with your family or to create maps for your neighborhood. Or maybe you can use web mapping for your school projects in Geography or Environmental school subjects, if you are still a student.
Because I love maps and web mapping, I have decided to create this website that can be useful for other people that are interested into this domain. When I started to get into geo web domain, I was looking for any information that can guide me to learn as soon as possible how to create my own maps into the web domain. It is true that I have found many such websites, but just few of them were satisfying. In my website, I express my own opinion and ideas regarding web mapping, but you will find also links that will guide you to other reliable sources into the geo web domain.
I really hope that my website is useful for other people passionate about web mapping and I’m open to your suggestions and ideas. Maybe in the near future we can collaborate for our mutual benefit.