Google Maps: The Most Popular Mapping Services
In one of my previous post, I have mentioned of Google Maps as one of the best known web mapping application. Well, in this post I will try to make a more detailed description of this tool because I think that it is the most widespread online mapping service in the globe.
A short story of Google Maps
History of Google Maps starts quite recently, in 2005. Which means web mapping application was before Google Maps? Well, I have to remind you or to inform you about MapQuest, which is the name of the application that was before Google Maps one of the most used in online mapping. The story of Google Maps is very interesting. The beginning of this web mapping applications were quite complicated and winding. The idea of Google Maps started in 2004, when Neal Gordon, an Australian that was working for Where 2 Technologies start-up, had designed some annotations on a whiteboard. Starting from there, the digital mapping application started to come closer to be released into the Internet. Even if at the beginnings the Google co-founder Larry Page said that they are not interested in this mapping software, they agreed to buy this product but not as a software, because they like the web. Gordon’s idea has been used on the Internet and Google Maps was an application that was almost ready to be released.
Google Maps — Maps that everyone uses nowadays
If I ask my friends, my mates or my clients, I’m sure that all of them will tell me that they have used Google Maps at least one time. Google Maps have become a vital feature in the modern time, being used while traveling, looking for a restaurant or searching for the shortest route. According to The Telegraph, there are more than a billion people that are using Google Maps monthly and these values are at the level of 2013.
Could you imagine our society without Google Maps available for people? Do you think that people would reach their destinations without Google Maps? You might be thinking that Google Maps will be always available or if something happens, there will be other web mapping applications similar with Google Maps. You are right.
Nowadays, Google Maps is vital for numerous people. I think that if I pay attention when I go to work or to shop, I can see hundreds of people that are using Google Maps application for almost every task that implies movement and geographical data representation.
Google Maps – Number 1 in web mapping services
Web mapping and digital maps are more attractive, becoming very popular even among those people that are not expert in maps or web developing. This fact is due to the intuitive interfaces that web mapping applications provide to their users. Other aspects that make these web mapping services very popular among the users include the ease of use and functionality.
Google Maps is the number 1 in web mapping services and this fact is first of all due to its popularity among those that need a free mapping service. Another reason for which Google Maps is the most used web mapping application is represented by the fact that it is one of the oldest applications among those that are most used nowadays.
I’m sure that every one of us is using Google Maps when they are going outside from their familiar area. Due to the development of mobile phones and Google Maps application, we can take Google Maps with us even when we are not sitting in front of our computer.
The future of Google Maps
But can we imagine how the future of Google Maps will look like? How much can Google Maps evolve? Well, it is very hard to imagine Google Maps application’s future. In my opinion, Google Maps will remain for many years the number 1 in web mapping applications. My opinion is based on the fact that Google Maps is very popular and it is very hard to change your habits once you are used with a tool that makes your life easier. Maybe the future will argue and a new web mapping application will become the most popular and used among the population.